I was reading in Psalms the other day (chapter 42 to be exact). There is a line that talks about emptying out the pockets of my life. I began to think about that. What does that mean? The verses that lead up to this one just talk about desiring to be closer to God, but not sure if you'll ever be there. It talks about doubts of others and maybe from ourselves. "Where is this God of yours? These are the things I go over and over, emptying out the pockets of my life?" I began to think to my days as a kid when I'd go walking through the woods or near a pond. Whenever I saw a rock that looked cool or something I wasn't sure what it was, I'd bend down pick it up and store in my pocket. By the end of the day, I'd get home and my pockets would be full rocks, dirt, flowers, bugs, and anything else I felt like picking up that day. Even though I seemed to collect a lot of junk, I never waned to get rid of it. Somehow even though I knew it was junk, it was my junk! Why are we so possesive of everything that is ours, even the junk? If we'd just empty our pockets of all the junk, we could fill them up again and again and again. But if they are full of junk they can't be filled with what we need. I believe the same is true about our minds and hearts. If we fill our mind with junk there is no room for the good stuff. (Think about it ... name two main characters from Seinfield, tell me how many Friends made up the show, tell me how many times have the Cavs won a national title, name the logo for McDonald's, etc.) It's crazy how much useless information we store and continue to put in our minds. One way I believe we can empty our minds is by sharing all we know useful and useless by blogging. (I'm putting it out here, you decide what you put in ... lol) Also I believe we do the same with our hearts. We take in junk (hurt, pain, lies, etc.) and keep it there. We store so much junk in there that pretty soon there's no room for the good stuff (love, friendships, peace, joy, etc.). What are you storing? Is it time to empty your pockets?
1 comment:
I remember getting in trouble for not emptying my pockets before mom washed my pants. When we don't empty our pockets, we can ruin other peoples clothing too if it is in the same load as ours. When we don't empty our hearts to God, we can hurt others with the junk that is in there when it does come out, and believe me, it will come out...
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